Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

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At the end of 32 it shows 1:12 Does anyone know what the 1 means? I never see Ben go up to fret one so just a little cornfused. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


That’s actually two twelfth fret harmonics- 1212, but it they got smushed together in the tab.


Just did this at a 4th of July gig at a retirement community yesterday (after, of course, giving a shout-out to for providing the arrangement). It’s a beautiful arrangement and lots of people complemented on how lovely and moving it was. Thanks Ben for sharing it with us!

I’ve always wanted to do more of these slower tunes with the harmonized melody lines and learn more about arranging them (e.g., I’ve always wanted to do something like this for Danny Boy). This inspires me to pick this arrangement apart and dig for some clues as to how it was put together. I know that Alan Munde’s lesson on fretboard geography is a good foundation for much of this–the diatonic triad scales are certainly fundamental here. But there are other things going on here too. @BanjoBen do you have other lessons that cover this topic that you can point me to, or other songs you teach that are these slower, harmonized melody lines that I could pick apart and make my own discoveries?