Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: Silent Night- Beginner Version

@Archie I think we are talking about two different rolls. I tried posting a picture, but it was too big, and not sure how to post a picture from a cloud. From your description, it sounds like you are talking about the 7th. The 8th is the inside roll. the last there strings are 2,3, and 4 which Ben has played with T,T,1, Either way, the only way for me to get it right is to practice it,


So lets make sure. Measure 8 has a red circle with the inside roll. Look below the TAB see the numbers 2 1 T that represents the picking pattern the last note in that picking sequence is picked with the THUMB


Yes, that is the one. But it is the last chord in the measure that I am having an issue with. I am assuming that I screwed up and assumed that the 4th and 5th chords to be played in the measure are part of the inside role. Still learning the banjo lingo :smile:

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In the video, Ben almost splits this measure in two, treating the last two notes more as part of the next sequence. For me this was made manageable by the fact that the 3rd note is a quarter note. That gives me time to move the thumb from the 4th to the 3rd string. With the thumb playing 3, the index on 2 for the last note of the measure becomes easier.
I’m sorry if that’s not clear, I’m still very much a beginner myself.


@cafferata.richard, I agree. The quarter note makes it possible to play those consecutive notes with the thumb.


Hi Peter

Ok I see why we are NOT on the same page. This is kinda like a split measure. The first half of the measure comprises of the inside roll. Simply three notes in a row.

The second half of the measure comprises of 2 pick up notes which lead you from the G7 chord into the C Chord in measure 9. Everything in the red box is considered to be the C chord including the 2 pick up notes which are actually in G. But don’t let that confuse you. Just think of them as steps that lead you to the next room.

Now I see why you may be struggling with this. Measure 9 starts with a C melody note on the second string. picked with the Index Finger but measure 8 ends on a B note also picked with an Index Finger. That may well feel awkward but not impossible. In Bluegrass it is said you shouldn’t pick with the same finger twice. That’s a myth, as you gain experience you’ll figure out how. Except perhaps on a really fast tune, But this is not a fast tune and it’s definitely not bluegrass.

Because it is such a slow tune you should have ample time to pick the string twice. Personally I would pick the melody note starting measure 9 with my thumb followed by the first string played with the middle finger.

It would also be fine to leave out the B note at the end of measure 8 it’s really a fill note and is intended to guide the listeners ear to what follows.

One final point, The last note on the inside roll is picked with the THUMB that quarter note gives you ample time to pick the next note (the pickup note) also with the THUMB

My advice would be to play around with the picking pattern here. Maybe @BanjoBen can offer up an alternate suggestion.

Sometimes you just got to figure stuff out on your own. All of @BanjoBen 's lessons are well written, all the detail you need is there in front of you. If you are unsure pause and rewind the video as many times as you need most times that helps. I do it all the time


Thanks Archie,
I have practiced the part that I was having issues with and I think that I finally have it. On the other issue you noted about picking with the same finger in a row, I usually do not have an issue with it when the song is slow. That said, at the beginning of the song (and three other times) there are there strings in a row picked by the thumb in the tab, third string 2 times then the second string. That third string was tripping me up.Playing the second one two fast, So, now playing it with my index finger.
Now the tough part it getting the timing right with the 3/4. First time playing this time signature. It is taking some time to get used to, especially when the measure has the 1/4 note at the end. I have been playing the next chord to fast…but getting there.


Stick with it you’ll get it, it may take a while.


If this is beginner…I’m a SUPER beginner! I’ll have to practice it measure by measure and hope by next Christmas I’ll be able to play it! Thanks Banjo Ben…this sounds amazing to me!

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Archie…you’re the best! So POSITIVE! You keep us “rolling”


Thank you @cindy.guardalabene Cindy it’s good to be able to give something back to the banjo community. I struggled for many years trying to learn this stuff, the only advice I received from the BHO community was bad advice and sarcasm. Then I found @BanjoBen who listened to my calls for help and created lessons that answered all my queries.

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