I couldn’t get the dumb thing to work. I’ll have to figure something else out. It loaded up into GB just fine, but no sound. Not sure what the deal was.
On another note, In John Henry, why all the alternate fingerings? What I mean by that is take the first three notes in the 2nd measure… why play them on two strings, when one would do? I know on the Sax we used alternate fingerings, but only because they would sound different. On the banjo, if your banjo is in tune, and your bridge is set properly, they should sound exactly the same. In measure 8 the same thing happens with the 3rd and 4th note (both D). Is there any reason you could not just use one string?
Sorry for all the goofy questions, just trying to figure out these things. Some of these I find really trip me up and it would be easier to just stick with one string vs two, but maybe there is a really good reason for using two strings. So please let me know as I’m all new to this.