Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: How to Read Banjo Tab

Hi @chaddlee1978 Chad.

There are two ways. First check your icon, top right if you see a number inside a disc next to it that’s an alert to show that someone has responded or mentioned you in a post. The second way involves setting up a request in your profile. Not sure how to do this maybe @Michael_Mark can help here.

Hey Chad! If you want to get email notifications from this forum, click your profile icon in the top right and click the settings gear, then go to Preferences > Emails and change the settings there.

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I believe I got it now. Also, do I need to be able to do this lesson pretty good before moving on?

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Once you’re confident with how to read the tab, I would say you can move on—there are some playing exercises in this lesson, but they are mainly to show you an example of how tab works. As long as you’ve got the foundations of how to read it, using tab in other lessons will build your tab-reading skill. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, I know how to read it. Just need practice with picking strings with my picks. lol.