Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: East Tennessee Blues- Advanced

Let’s mix some jazz & swing in with the East Tennessee Blues! This is a ball to play, with palpable influences from Alan Munde & Wayne Benson.


When learning to play a tune like this one that has lots of bounce or swing or whatever you want to call it, would you guys learn it “straight ahead” first and add the bounce later, or would you just start off with the bounce from square one?

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Great Question @Shad I have to confess I watched this lesson through when it was uploaded but as the tune didn’t really appeal to me. I didn’t sit down to learn it. That said when I sit down to learn syncopated tunes from my other teacher in Australia sometimes I’ll learn it straight other times I’ll add the syncopation as I go. It depends if I need to feel the music as I learn it. Hard to explain.

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I say go ahead and try to make it sound like I’m playing it from the start.