Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: Billy in the Lowground

Y’all know how much I like melodic tunes, and this is definitely one of 'em! We’re in the key of C with no capo, up the neck, down the neck, and will learn some cool closed licks that work over any chord!

Hi – just a clarification on the theory side. At 4:00 on the B part video Ben states “all of the notes we’ve played so far [in the B part] have been from either the C or the F scale.” This is just prior to the blue notes.

Actually, all the notes in Billy, up to that point are from the C scale.

Not trying to be pedantic, but this can be confusing if a person is trying to learn music theory.

I really like this arrangement, BTW. Great site!


Thanks, @jim.p.allen! I think I meant because we play a B flat note, which is technically not in the C scale. I do also play an E flat it looks like, so there’s that :wink: