Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: Banjo Forward Roll Study

Thank you very much for the advice. I was starting to get frustrated and was considering giving up.


I have been trying to take a video all morning, but knowing i am being recorded makes me make more errors and frustrates me more LOL


This is part of the process, press on.


Hi @Rara72 Neil
I had similar issues, how overcame the problem was to just leave the camera running as I messed around with the banjo. Eventually I managed to record myself and posted it on YouTube. See below

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I will give it a try, thank you.

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I can play a bit smoother but not when on camera for some reason.

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jpg @Rara72 Neil. You are off to a great start.

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Thank you, although it doesn’t feel like it at times lol

Hi @Rara72 Neil, I see your reading from paper tab sheets. I struggled with printed TAB Books. I encourage you to get TEFView or TablEdit and download the TEF TAB files from @BanjoBen 's lessons. Not only can you read the TABs on screen you can hear them play back. You can adjust the speed and play along with the TAB.

  1. It will help you develop your playing skills more quickly.
  2. It will help you build confidence as you learn.
  3. Overtime it will help you build speed.

Next to becoming a Lifetime Goldpick Member of purchasing TablEdit was the second best investment I ever made.

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I do normally use the tef file and with that I can play smoothly at 75 BPM, but when I read from the tab it alls goes wrong lol.

Trust me with regular study and practice you will get better.


Persevere, Neil! You are where you are supposed to be right now. There are roads being built in your brain right now. Like all us, we think - I should be further along – I wish this sounded better – I wish I could play if faster – etc. Then one day, your left hand, right hand, brain, and banjo all decide it’s time to get along with each other. The reward is coming, keep after it, my friend.


@Rara72 you are coming along great, my friend! Your pick strokes are accurate and you’re getting great tone! As @Brent.H says, the pathways are being built. It’s a painstaking process but more progress is being made than what you can measure at this point. Just don’t quit, because you’re about through the most difficult stage. Thanks for the encouragement @Archie.


Well I have the tempo up to 100 now and what i play still does not sound correct, it just sounds like i am practicing forward rolls, there doesn’t seem to be any rhythm or melody to it - you certainly wouldn’t call it a tune. It sounds nowhere like the MP3s.
Should all the strings be played a the same speed?

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Hi @Rara72 Neil.

Post another video let @BanjoBen see/hear what progress you have made so he can help you move forward on this. The last video you posted was good so I think your probably ready for the next lesson.


Thanks Archie, I will do another video.

I have started on the backwards rolls and I am at the same stage and tempo on them.

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When I first began using the tef files for this lesson it would repeat until I stopped it. Now it only plays through once then I have to restart. How can I get it to continue? Thanks for any help.


Hi @s.register Stephen welcome to @BenjoBen 's Forum

So if your using TablEdit click on the MIDI menu the click on REPEAT not sure if it’s the same in TEFView

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Yes, that was it with TEFView, the Play->Repeat. It is a toggle but it does not indicate on/pff.

Hi @JohnM So no check mark?