Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: Banjo Forward-Reverse Roll Study

I’m still on forward/reverse lessons and peeked ahead. So, as I progress, how will I know what roll to use in a song? I will admit, I spent 2 months on Jim Pankey’s lessons, and it has helped as I start into these lessons. I’m not in a rush, and want to get these rolls down. Thanks…


Hi @jmills60 John welcome to @BanjoBen 's Forum

If you follow Ben’s Beginners Learning Path you’ll soon learn what roll pattern fits with each lick. When it all boils down to it it’s about knowledge and experience. By studying & practicing the lessons you’ll gain the knowledge and experience that will help you as you move forward. Jim Pankey is a great teacher but Ben’s structured lessons will teach you much much more.


Howdy @jmills60 & welcome to the site! I’m honored to have you. You’ll learn that it will be your prerogative after you gain use of the rolls. Choosing which rolls to use at certain times is a big factor that makes you sound like you. In my learning track I’ll have you using all the rolls in various situations to get you comfy doing so, particularly in the build-a-break lessons. You’re gonna love 'em and I encourage you to keep pressing on!


Ok… Worried Man Blues. I have to admit that reach to the 4th fret is challenging. But what I find is your hand needs to be in position. My problem is my anchor finger (pinkey) keeps sliding down the head. That puts my fingers at an angle to the strings. Any suggestions on keeping my hand in place are welcomed. Have a while to go before I book my first camp!

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Hi @jmills60 John it would help @BanjoBen a lot to help you if you could post a video. I’ll be honest the reach to the forth fret was a challenge for me in the beginning it’s something you need to work on. I have faith you’ll get it.


What type of surface is your banjo head? It’s it’s slick plastic, I’d change it out with one that has a coating…your finger won’t slip as easily on that.


Archie, thanks for the reply. I’m finding if I keep my fingers perpendicular to the strings the reach is easier, and the notes aren’t as muddy sounding. So, I’m working on my discipline and timing.


Hello Mr. BanjoBen. I’m playing a RKH-05 and the head has a matte finish. So it has some tooth to it. I’m working on stopping after each song and checking my hand position. I just don’t want to pick up bad habits.

That being the case more reason you should post a video and let @BanjoBen see where you are at and advise accordiningly. Sometimes a slight positioning of the banjo can make a world of a difference.


Ok Archie… This isn’t my best, but it shows my right hand. Here I am keeping my pinky down and not sliding down, but I slowed down trying to keep it clean. JM Banjo Clip

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Hi @jmills60 John so the camera angle doesn’t show us your pinky or ring finger that said you seem to have a good handle on the forward reverse roll and the melody. Do you have your ring finger and pinky on the head?

Mornin @Archie, so I only use my pinky. I found that when I tried to use both fingers, it pulled my social finger too close to the strings. Could be my short fingers. :joy: Sorry for the camera angle, but I guess it’s just going to take discipline. Thanks for all of your time.

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It looks good from that angle @jmills60, and I concur with what Archie said.

You might think about trying these, but I don’t want to create an unnecessary crutch:


Ben, I saw these, but like you said, I don’t want to rely on them. If it takes me longer, that’s ok.

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So I’m not moving on until I get this down. And if I get there, should it sound like the banjo solo (mp3)? Because at 105 bpm, it’s not. :confounded:


Yeah, it’s a funny thing about banjo for me. To my ear, some songs don’t even sound like the same one until they get to a certain speed range. That doesn’t mean you have to get it to 200 or 220 before trying other things, but you’ll know it when you hear it. Things smooth out as the brain becomes less involved and it starts sounding “right.”

It’s sounding good John. Keep at it!


Move on and continue to work on it, @jmills60!


What is the timing (BPM) for the Slow Version of the lesson?

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I am guessing here but I’d say 70 bpm @kooseman Steve

Thanks Archie.
I’m having a bit of a problem playing at this tempo for the tune sounding much more than
a F-R Rolls practice. Timing is good, tempo is good, notes are clean but does not sound anything like Worried Man Blues.
Any suggestions on what tempo will begin to produce anything that sounds like a tune rather than a
roll practice ??

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