Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: Banjo Backup Utility Rolls in D

Here are some solid backup rolls to play in the key of D! Not only that, but also learn some fill licks to throw in from time to time!


loving this lesson @BanjoBen more please on the minor chords usually played in D for example

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I am trying ever so hard to wean myself from being stuck on the tabs. Its not easy and Im glad you brought that up in the putting it all together part. It is not easy for me because I am such a structured engineering type person.

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Hi @edneb1949 Ed Here’s how I work though the lessons. I am pretty structured too.

I watch the video, isolate the difficult sections. Using the onscreen TAB to help me work through the difficult sections, once I have it in my head I switch to the TEF TAB files. Using TablEdit I continue to use the TAB visually. Then I stop reading the TAB and practice play along by ear.

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I am forcing myself to change the way I play songs I learned from tabs by inserting a different lick in a different spot. I like the way Ben shows how to do it easily by walking around the house playing the backup rolls then just insert a different lick in when it feels right. I want to become more fluid so I can play with others and show off my stuff.


That’s a great way to learn to improvise Ed. Well%20Done

I hope to learn more at the October Banjo only cabin camp in Texas. Its coming soon.


I am sure you will.

D Lick #1 I found if I put a little bend in the third string when going from fretting at the second fret to the open string you get a bluesy sound. measure 18, 5th note. Way cool


Cool thing I have noticed about the key of D in standard tuning is since most licks D licks seem work in D minor too since you tend to avoid the F#.

Try to play backup for the song Shady Grove. Classic song out of d minor. A lot of these licks are the same.

Mike Hedding has a great arrangement.

I am really trying to perfect my 8th note slide, I am finding that hard to make sound right. I was watching Ben do it and it seems he doesn’t slide the 3rd fret to the 4th fret until the next 8th note should sound. I was always trying to slide through the whole 1/4 note time period. I hope this makes sense. In other words my 1/16 note slide and my 1/8 note slide sounded the same, now I will practice it with Bens video

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Hey there!

I’ve learned some of the arangements in D, but with they did not use the tuned up 5th string. Would you just play the same things but with a G instead of an A as backup to those tunes?

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howdy! Yes, that would be fine. In those instances I find myself not using the 5th string as much because my ear will want to avoid it at times.

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