Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: Bag O' Licks– Tony Wray Banjo

Hey! is there a way that you can teach a lesson on how to do cool licks in F and E and A and other chords besides G,C, and D. Example is rocky top. or

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Here are Bag O’ Licks in E:

Rhythm licks in E:

I’ll do the other ones, have them on the list!

Em, A, F would all make great Bag 'o Licks!
In the meantime, you might find some inspiration for those chords in the lessons for songs that include them (for example, Salt Creek has you play over an F chord, songs in C often use an F chord, etc. What Child Is This is in E minor, which is a lot more common to play over than E major for the banjo). For Em and A, closed/up the neck shapes come in handy a lot!

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