Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: 6th Interval Backup– G, C, & D Chords

But I thought triplets was putting 3 notes in two beats of time.

Hi Keith, The arrangement I played is in 3/4 Waltz Time but I have come across other arrangements which are in 4/4 time. In 4/4 timing you have four quarter notes. So if you subdivide these into triplets you get 12 notes. No measure overlap.

I seem to recall spending a lot of time learning triplets. Lead with the thumb on the first triplet, then lead with the middle, then back to the thumb etc… Emphasising the down beat. If that makes sense.

So does this sound better?


It is putting 3 notes where 2 of those particular notes usually fall. If you’re talking quarter notes, then quarter note triplets would place 3 quarter notes where 2 quarter notes (or beats) would be. But most every time we play the backup lick you’re playing, they’re played as eighth note triplets. There are 6 eighth notes in a 3 beat measure. If you filled that measure with eighth note triplets, you’d play 9 notes. That make sense? If not I’ll make a video. This will help you understand:

Yessir, that’s it!


OK, thanks alot Ben. Yes, that makes sense. I was misinterpreting the 3 in 2 type of thing.

Yes, Much better. After a while you’ll begin to feel the groove.

This is how I learned to play triplets. In this instance Murphy is playing with the thumb and pinching the 1 & 2 strings with the middle and first finger which gives it that much fuller sound. In @BanjoBen 's lesson there is no pinch. Forget what I said about 12 notes and follow Ben’s advice. He knows what he’s talking about, I only think I do. nod-and-a-wink

What I encourage you to do is to LISTEN a lot to the sound of the triplet. When it clicks into place it’s like adding the last piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

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When you’ve nailed the triplet Keith. I mean really NAILED IT! Go check out this Advanced Masterclass Lesson with Jens Kruger It will really blow your mind.

Here is a lovely slow arrangement to practice with. This arrangement is in the Key of E so you’ll need to figure out the chords. E A B C#m