Forum - Banjo Ben Clark


As a Gold Pick Member, almost from the start of Banjo Bens Website, I’d like to again thank Ben for the best site to learn from. And a really BIG congrats on the Cover Photo and article in the Banjo Newsletter Magazine, August issue. This was way over due !! The article was just great giving the timeline of your musical career, and achievements. And the story about JD Crowe, gives all of us newer students great hope, at what we can achieve. On another note, thanks to your daughters who added the Laffy Taffy to my last order from the General Store. It had to be a great idea from one of them !! Thanks again Ben, and keep it up, we all appreciate it.

DB used to be Mesquite, now it’s Florida.


Thank you so much, @yardmastermodels, and it’s folks like you that make the site successful!


So that’s where the Laffy Taffy in my last order came from, Thanks!

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