I’ve had some extra time lately for “string therapy”…thanks to a minor adjustment to my “retired guy” schedule. Suffice it to say that my practice has been a mix of learning some of the common jam tunes (St. Anne’s Reel, Liberty, Cherokee Shuffle, etc.) as well as learning (or re-learning) some closed chord shapes. I’m using a common closed A-chord shape that can be used up the neck and morphed into Amin, A7 and Amin7. I can use these shapes all the way up to F (and variants) and tend to do this as it is easier to do the minor, 7th and min7th than using the closed shapes on the ADG strings (muting the E).
My question is…is it common to play these closed shapes way up the neck? Or, should I be trying to find/play closed chord shapes lower on the neck? I don’t wanna look like a dork at my next jam…