Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Clawhammer Christmas Spectacular!

Yes last night was another great lesson. After playing three finger style, and sometimes trying to find a way to fit it into songs where it isn’t as natural a sound with my playing, this is a great addition. Looking forward to continuing for sure.

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Last night’s lesson was so much fun and, for me, it put everything together when they played God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen in a performance tempo. I love hearing the songwriters sing their music. I hadn’t heard Shepherds’ Watch or from last week, The Canticle of the Turning. I enjoyed that Katy and Penny were there, too. This was one of the best lessons so far.


Hey Dave, Merry Christmas from Canada! I’m loving the lessons even though I can’t attend live. Slowing figuring out clawhammer…your lessons are a God-send, not to mention having a spectacular new banjo to work with. I thought I’d break the seal on posting a practice video…and this was a one-take wonder…I knew it wasn’t gonna get any better doing it again :). I’m sure I’m doing a hundred or so things wrong, but just loving it…and Christmas carols sound SO good on clawhammer…well, at least when you play them!.


The goal is just to hit the target string, and not the others. But it is not always so easy to do. With time and practice, it will get to where you are just striking the target string, and not bumping into the others so much. Slowing down is a good way to iron that out.

Gary, - so glad you enjoyed it. Buddy and Kaiti a great friends and I’m so glad they were able to help me out with the Jingle Bells lesson. Glad to hear you’re getting the hang of it!

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Thanks! I think one of the great things about clawhammer style is how well it fits with simple songs and with singing songs. Just seems to fold in easier. Glad you’re enjoying it!

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Wow! Thanks for all your encouraging words. I was so glad when Katy and Penny showed up. They got up early and drive all the way here from TX that morning to be here by 4p to work out some songs. I enjoyed all those songs so much, - particularly anything in “sawmill tuning.” Buddy Greene and Michael Card are both great songwriters. I hope you’ll check out more of their music.


Mark, - way to go !! You are nailing it. Very good job striking the target string each time. Good timing. Good hand motion. Good fretwork too! I can really tell you are enjoying it. The only suggestion I have is to just double check and make sure you thumb is landing on the 5th string with each hand stroke, whether you intend to “pop” a note out of it or not. Sometimes it looks like maybe that’s not happening and that its just riding along behind the string finger. Hard to tell fr sure on the video . Either way, good work, - and good looking banjo!

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Thanks Dave, I’ll check their music. I haven’t spent a great deal of time on clawhammer as I was preparing for a Christmas event that happened last weekend when I played my 5 string for the first time in my little band. I’m ready to move on now to new things. I’m really glad the previous lessons are available to me and I’ll be going back to them. Someone mentioned learning the Canticle of the Turning as a future lesson. I’d like that, too. Thanks for offering these lessons online.

Great! I’ve had several requests for Canticle of the Turning, which is the traditional Celtic melody “Star of the County Down.” I’m going to try and make that a future lesson or teach it at the next BanjoBen clawhammer camp where I’ll be teaching an intermediate level class. It’s a really good tune to work on drop-thumb technique. Thanks again!


So, Dave (@ClawhammerDave), will that intermediate Clawhammer class be held during Ben’s upcoming Nashville camp this Spring? Or will that be at a banjo only camp in the future?

I hope you offer it online, I have a health problem that’s keeping me from traveling and won’t be able to go to camp anytime soon.

Yep. Plans are to make the clawhammer class at the upcoming Nashville Camp an intermediate level , with some old-time group jams mixed in. It won’t be super-advanced, but geared towards folks who have already taken one of my intro classes, are comfortable with the basics and ready to learn some fun tunes, some new techniques, and experiment with some more alternate tunings. I’m really looking forward to it. Hope to see you there!


Ben and I are working to figure out a way to keep offering lessons online. Don’t worry, - we’ll keep you updated and would love to keep helping you learn!

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Sounds great, Dave. I already secured a spot and am really looking forward to it. Also really enjoying the Christmas classes, but I think Ellen is ready for the gentlemen to rest :blush:. I put on the capo and played with the backup track, though, and she thought that sounded cool—so I think I’ll be able to keep those gentlemen going a little while longer. Take care and Merry Christmas!

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What!!?? Ellen doesn’t like sawmill Christmas tunes ?? We’ll have to discuss that sometime!

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Actually, Dave (@ClawhammerDave), she was singing along with my playing this afternoon. Obviously a failure of judgement on my part that she was tiring of it. We were just wrapping your Hymns CD today to give as a gift. Thanks again for those! Take care.

Ha! You’re welcome. “See” you tonight…

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Jeff’s music with the clawhammer was awesome. Can you share a link for the CD and book?

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Probably best if you just send me an email and we’ll work it out.

: )