Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Christopher Boling from Lexington, Nebraska!

What first got you interested in playing the guitar, mandolin or banjo?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to play guitar. Because my parents wanted us all to have a wide variety of instruments that we could play among our family, and someone else was planning to learn guitar, they offered me to learn banjo. I accepted. A few years later, I was able to learn guitar as well. I want to learn mandolin to help round out my playing in the bluegrass field.

How long have you been playing and what’s your motivation to play?
I’ve played banjo for five years, guitar for three, and mandolin for less than a year. God has called me to start my own bluegrass group (not a one-man-band, I promise!), so I want to get as good as I possibly can to be able to fulfill what He called me to do.

What’s your goal when playing?
My goal on each instrument is to be able to play any song at any given time. So if I was sitting down with other players and they called out a random song, I would want to be able to play it. I’ve got a long ways to go!

How long have you been a Gold Pick member? How did you find out about Banjo Ben?
I joined at the beginning of September. I first heard about Banjo Ben from some judges at a plucked string competition. Then, I kept hearing about him over and over again from other folks. I finally decided to buy a membership, and I’m so glad I did! You don’t learn when you’re teaching yourself like you do when you have a really good teacher!

What’s your favorite lesson on Ben’s site and how has it helped you improve?
I don’t know that I have a favorite lesson. I have learned a lot from the banjo Build-a-Break lessons; they helped me to see that creating and playing solos was really within my grasp! For guitar, I am loving the Bag o’ Licks lessons, especially the C to G transitions. I think my family gets tired of hearing them every time I go from C to G! I have not had a chance to do any mandolin lessons yet.

Do you have a favorite technique? What is it?
For banjo, I like taking songs that I know how to play and messing with the licks to create my own version of the song. On guitar, I am just thrilled to be using proper rhythm techniques (it’s so much more fun when you’re doing it right!). On mandolin, I chop… not much else!

Are there any other instruments or genres of music that you enjoy playing?
Other than guitar, banjo, and mandolin, I play piano, cello, and violin. I’d also like to learn bass guitar.

What artist(s) most inspire you? Who are your favorite musical heroes?
I enjoy the Bontrager Family Singers. They are pretty much the only Christian bluegrass group that I listen to. I haven’t had time to check out many others.

If you could play in anyone’s band, who would it be and why?
Probably the Bontrager Family Singers for the reason stated above… they’re pretty much the only ones I listen to. Also, they are folks with strong character and are solid in the faith, so it would definitely be a pleasure to play with them.

If money was no object, what would be your dream instrument(s)?
For guitar, I’ve heard of a guy in New Zealand who will custom make a guitar to the specifications that you give. That would be pretty amazing. I don’t really know about a whole lot of good banjos and mandolins. Any suggestions?

What do you do for a living?
I have run a small mowing/snow removal business for the past several years. However, I have greatly enjoyed the occasional cowboy work I’ve gotten to do with a local rancher/farmer. As the mowing season is coming to a close, I’d like to get a more permanent job.

When you’re not pickin’, what else do you spend your time doing?
Wait, there’s such thing as spare time that is not used for pickin’?! In a large family, there’s always something to do, but on the rare occasions when I have free time, I enjoy woodcraft and leather working. Also, talking is a favorite pastime of mine!

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
Probably spend extra time studying my Bible, getting done what I needed to get done but didn’t get done, and, of course, lots of music!

What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?
Internationally, I’d love to visit Israel to visit the sights of important Biblical events, present and future, as well as retrace the missionary journeys of Paul. In the US, I would definitely want to do an all-out Pony Express re-ride. Also, anything that could possibly be considered dangerous, count me in! I’m definitely a adventure lovin’ person!

Anything else you’d like to add?
Use your talents, whether you think you have a lot of talent or not, for God’s glory. God is searching for someone to stand in the gap for Him, and He wants to use you. All He wants is for someone to be available and willing to be used by Him. “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” God will do His work in His way; all we need to do is to be willing to use what He has given us to lift up Him. Jesus said “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” If we just lift up Christ with the talents that He has given us, He will do the rest! God bless, y’all!

Thanks for letting us feature you @cboling!


Congrats, @cboling! Honored to have you on the site!


Thanks, @BanjoBen. I have benefited so much from the material here!


Also thanks to @Michael_Mark for being willing to let me be featured!


Congrats…Thanks for sharing you background @cboling !


Nice to meet you, @cboling!




Thanks for introducing yourself, @cboling!


It is good to talk, isn’t it, Christopher @cboling?! Welcome, again. Keep picking and keep sharing your music! :+1:

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Welcome to the site! May God bless you!:grin:


Thanks, @Chicken_Wing!


Really great to hear your story!So glad you put the Lord first in your life. God bless you!


Thank you! Christ is my life! My whole desire in learning music is to use it to serve Him!


Nice to meet you Christopher. Keep on picking and doing what God has called you to do.

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Congrats on being the featured Gold Pick member @cboling, and thanks for sharing a bit about yourself! Happy trails on your musical journey!


Thank you, @xmark!


gif @cboling Christopher