“Why can’t I play at jams like I play at home?”
Seems like we’ve all experienced this. I was noticing that I had this experience at almost every jam, so last week I decided to test a theory. When I practice, I’m at my desk and my monitor and a wall at about 2 feet in front of me. There’s a lot to echo my banjo’s sound back. When I’m at a jam, it’s a pretty big room, and I noticed that I was playing a lot harder because I couldn’t hear my banjo the way I could while practicing.
So, I started practicing facing away from my monitor. Not nearly as much in front of me to bounce that sound back. Well, last night I went to a jam and it actually felt good! Now, it was a smaller jam, so the jury is still out, but I feel like getting used to hearing less from my banjo helped.
Has anyone else tested this theory?