Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

CAGED for Guitar


Excellent! Would like to see examples of how you might use it in some well known songs.

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I’ve seen the CAGED system demonstrated before but not with a capo. I think showing it with a capo really helps to see and understand it more clearly. Also thanks for the extra 3 string demo. It’s good useful knowledge.

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I remember when I first stumbled upon it, I had this “aha” moment where everything started to make sense. It’s definitely worth diving into for any guitarist looking to expand their playing.

If you’re looking for more resources or want to deepen your understanding of how to apply the CAGED system, has some great articles and tutorials. They cover a wide range of topics that can help further your guitar skills and music theory knowledge.


I love it when something takes info you already know and presents it in a new way! It’s like finding pieces of a puzzle that are meant to fit together.

Thanks for sharing!


I was finding out a way to remember the CAGED in a similar but different way. But this is interesting and useful!

To anyone that will listen?

Memorize the CAGED System…and get started now.

Basically, the CAGED system is teaching you “chords”. You don’t need a capo.

If you are a newer player and starting on the CAGED System? Why not start by learning 3 different “G” chords up your neck? Make the effort and it will pay off in the long run. So basically learn two new ones. The next time you hang out and strum a song? Force yourself to not play the standard ol’ G chord for an entire session…use the new ones you discovered.

You can beat your head against the wall for the next 20 years, or you can suck it up and memorize (in your head) the CAGED System and be a pretty good picker in 3-5 years. It’s all part of “mastering the fretboard”.

Folks that play music that are “good”? They understand this stuff. It’s one of the first steps in becoming proficient with an instrument.

Put in the time and effort. You need to learn 5 different places to play a G chord. CAGED System will teach you that…learn your chords up and down the neck.

Learn your notes on every fret too. Come on, there are only 12 notes to learn! 12! Commit them to memory. Learn how to see this stuff (CAGED,. Chords, and Notes) in your head.

Good luck! If you want to become a decent player (and want to “jam”)…you need this stuff.


Thanks for sharing the tips!

If you think about it, there are really only 3 major chord forms. One the G and the A and the B all share the A shape, Two the C and the D both share the D shape. Third the E and the F both share the E shape. So the only major chords we really need to know is A, D, E :thinking: Ironically a 1, 4, 5 :cowboy_hat_face: