Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Cabin Camp 2019 Thank You

Hi all,
Just wanted to thank @BanjoBen, @Jake, @damon, Penny and Katy, and everyone else involved in the Cabin Camp 2019 for such a great experience. I really enjoyed it and found the instruction very helpful! @crohnieks, @mharrison43, and many others whose forum names I’m not sure of, it was great to meet you guys and pick with you. You guys are really talented. Keep picking!
@damon, the food was amazing! You are an awesome cook!
For those of you who didn’t come this year, I would highly recommend attending a future Camp! It is really an awesome learning experience.
God bless!

P.S. Just out of curiosity, who won the band competition?


Hey Michael! Great to see you on the board!

Yes, it was an incredible experience. I’m so glad that everyone else seems to have thought as highly of it as I did. I’m all ready for the next one. :slight_smile:

And to answer your question, the band I was part of, The Amazing Wildwood Squirrels, won the competition by just 1 point.


I wonder if us “Camp Wanabees” that didn’t get to attend, could order one of those cool Cabin Camp T-shirts? You never know; They might some day be Collectible :star_struck:

I want videos, scores, categories, lineups, judge names, and an announcer. I want to see it as if it’s a televised broadcast

Videos - Ben hired a videographer for the final day of camp. They’re putting that together now. The scores, categories, and line ups are probably in the video.

Judge names - Ben, Jake, Katy, and Penny.

The announcer was Kyle Cantrell, the voice of Bluegrass Junction, which was really cool!


I’m also proud to say that the “Flying Squirrels” finished in the top 5 of the band competition!


Oh awesome! I look forward to seeing it

Were all the band names squirrel related?

Can’t wait to see the video, especially since I missed the competition on Saturday. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yup. Ben made an off-handed comment that incorporating the word “squirrel” into the name might land some bonus points. So pretty much every name used it.

Our band’s 2 songs were Amazing Grace and Wildwood Flower, hence the band name “The Amazing Wildwood Squirrels.” :grin:


Oh, that’s right. I forgot you missed it. A lot of nervous pickers, but it was a ton of fun!

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We we’re the anomaly to the squirrel theme. Our band name was No Refund.


Michael…it was great to meet you. Enjoyed the mandolin classes and jam sessions with you. The Rabid Squirrels were edged out in the battle of the bands. No doubt you would have put us right over the top…next time!!
Mike H.


@5stringSpecialist, I’m SO glad you came! What a cool guy you are! I sure hope you can come to the next one :wink:


Michael! You were great buddy. It was a pleasure hanging out with you, especially because I got a front row seat to your rhythmic skills. I learned from watching you and had a great time getting to know you and your family. Keep pickin’ and send updates of your progress!

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