Welcome! Pull up a virtual chair… and allow me to share my thoughts… as I was once in your shoes considering the exact point of private lessons (I took them) and joining this excellent site.
I agree with Ben (a few lessons cannot hurt)… but…
I strongly agree and endorse the great advice the other guys have said about the instruction here. This site is so complete, it is truly all the support and instruction anyone could ask for… well, in this genre of music. @BanjoBen, @Jake and everyone here take the journey with you - and make it FUN along the way.
@BanjoBen is a modest fella who will always encourage his students… and while he takes great pride in the ever-changing and ongoing improvements he makes here, he is too modest to be boastful or prideful in pushing just how much he offers us students here.
That is where us students WANT to speak up on his behalf.
I started on with Banjo private lessons before learning of the site. My private teacher was talented and capable… but upon learning of the site… I discussed signing up for a life membership and offsetting the cost by SUSPENDING the lessons… for several months. I had always intented to return.
I never felt the need to return to Private lessons and my wife says my learning pace has been even increasing faster with @BanjoBen’s site.
I signed up as a BANJO life member… but since then, I purchased my MANDOLIN through @Jake at the Banjo Ben General Store as I had access to all those lessons already through my life membership. I mean, why NOT buy a Mandolin to Max my benefit and use more lessons, right?
Ben mentioned that Life Memberships may increase so please consider it after using the site. Also, USE THIS EXCELLENT FORUM.
The participants are amazing and extremely helpful people - always supportive and strive to encourage each other to improve.
I couldn’t be happier with my investment… and all that I have learned, witnessed and experienced here.
God Bless…and welcome, friend!