Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Bluegrass Purity Tests?

I really, really like Josh Swift’s style of Dobro playing. It’s not necessarily what I would think of as the “traditional” style of reso guitar, but it sounds great just the same and fits in with Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver’s sound quite well in my opinion.


You should check out the Gold Tone OB 150 I think it was, it’s got a lightweight tone ring. Also the deering John Hartford model, and there’s other lightweight banjos out there.

As I say it’s your choice Gary it’s not my intent to pass judgement, I am only offering up my personal experience. There are lighter 5 string banjo’s out there and if my memory serves me rightly the Stelling Afton Star is a lightweight model. A mere 9 pounds if anyone else is interested.

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Anybody who’s seen Eddie Adcock is familiar with this trick. Usually, he would sling that guitar around to his back, and walk up to the mounted banjo and do his thang,… finish up, and sling the guitar back around and take a break as he nods to himself.



It’s time to rethink the banjo


That’s a great video! Thanks for posting that. So while you’re on the subject, what would you do to rethink the banjo?

My top three “improvements” include:

  1. Rod and Reel attachments
  2. Cupholder
  3. Self-destruct button

I don’t know if anyone mentioned it, but open back banjos are really light. That’s what I travel with when I’m just going to be playing in my work apartment or a hotel room.


Rod and Reel attachment… What a great idea!
I would add cruise control.


Uhhmm, this all reads like something I would write, so I’m a little like, rolling my eyeballs and stuff right now. So, I’m gonna just gonna be succinct here.

Banjitars are an abomination. NO BANJITARS. Not havin’ it, no sir :nauseated_face::rage:


Waitaminute… I just found one I think we can live with ->


Seriously dude? An electric banjitar? With a vibrato lever thingy that I forgot the name of? And buttons and knobs? Why not add some gauges and foot pedals and stuff?

That’s just… argh… man, I can’t un-see that :confounded:


Check out this Pre - War Gibson Electric Tenor Banjo


Preach that thing @MissMaggie :rofl::joy::slightly_smiling_face:


Can’t tell whether it’s a bigsby or not… frequently called a tremolo bar


It looks like somebody attacked the thing with a fork at a dinner party.


Here’s an example of Josh’s incredible Dobro playing:

Check out the triplets in the second Dobro solo!

You’ll be happy to know there is one less banjitar in Fla. I bought it and it is on its way here.:stuck_out_tongue:


Well I’m just tickled pink about that but sad for you Gary :cry: Thank you for your sacrifice, you know, jumping on that grenade so to speak.

But wait a minute. You did make a sacrifice… right? I mean, you wouldn’t actually buy that… because you… wanted it… right?


Yep… I made the purchase. Sorry for your loss.


I have seen the growth as it were of the availability of 6 String Banjos in the UK. I assume that they are then tuned guitar style and just offer the Banjo sound. I suppose that if I was looking to record or put together some work that was guitar based and was seeking the banjo sound behind I might consider doing that.

With time though would prefer to do it properly. This site offers that opportunity.

As for the question posed about Purity not so sure I think that the Musician argument is probably the best answer.

Fairly new to the Bluegrass world and thoroughly enjoy it, but Boom Chick , Bass Strum have some very old sources including a very clumsy piece of work based around I IV V called Bergamask. I have seen the style played at pace in Northern Italy.

As a fan on Of Scottish works I have often listened to a Duo (Originally larger) called The Corries who dabbled with combining instruments. Their hybrids were called Combolins and were effective on a notable album by the Duo.

Mainly for Purists of the Duo it was an interesting addition to their works. Not sure it gained them new fans but did provide intrigue for a while.

As for purity in a broader sense 4,5,6 ,12 string instruments are plenty they just didn’t all make it to the 20th , 21st Century.