Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Banjo size question

Thanks for taking my likely stupid question.
I started trying to play the banjo melodic style about 4-5months and am happy w/ my Deering Goodtime Special. I am 6"1’ and fairly long fingers but I had a sigificant left had and wrist injury about 8 years ago that left me w/ a somewhat shortened left index that is also contracted some at the knuckle. The left wrist flexion is also somewhat diminished.
I am ok w/ my index on the 2nd string ,1st fret and the ring finger on the 2nd fret of the 1st string but when I move my ring finger to the 2nd fret of the 3rd string , my index fretting the 1st fret of the 2nd string makes contact w/ the the 1st string.To correct this, i have to rotate my wrist significantly to make my fingers contact more vertical.
I am thinking that a wider separation of the strings by 1.5 to 2.5 mm might make it easier.
If there is such a thing as a banjo where the strings are wider apart and I gues , a wider neck?
If so,do I have to buy a new one or is this someting that can be modified aftermarket?

Thank you in advance and apologize for such a long set up.


Hi @vea1960 Victor

I am pretty sure I read somewhere that JD Crowe strings were further apart then normal. Check with @Jake at the General Store he is way more knowledgeable than I am. BTW there are no Stupid Questions just questions. We are all learners here.


Couple things here. First of all, it’s difficult to widen the neck string spacing because they’re setup to be as close to the edge as they can–usually. It would require you getting a new nut, not a big deal, but I’m afraid the 1st string may roll off the edge of the neck when you fret it.

However, I’m not so sure that you need a wider neck/nut. I think everyone has string touching issues that they work through. I remember not being able to get a clear C chord for a bit, and I remember my index finger muting the 1st string at times when I didn’t want. I still deal with it a bit.

Best thing to do is take a video of you playing and post it here, let me see where you’re at. :+1:


Archie, thanks for your response and recommendation.
Is the General Store in NC?

Ben, thanks for your reponse. I’ll post the video after some more practice.

Hi @vea1960 Victor

No its in Exeter MO

Banjo Ben’s General Store
602A East Commercial Street
Exeter, MO 65647

Phone: 1-833-226-5623

Hi @BanjoBen

Boy that was fast. You just fly over to MO to film the commercial

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