Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Banjo Players

I got the chance to try these out at camp. Funny thing is, my thumb didn’t move any speedier. Must’ve been a faulty product…

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Yep, that must be it, faulty product. You should get a refund.

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Do you give them a :+1: or a :-1:?

Yeah, I’d give 'em a :+1:

I liked it better than the golden gates I’ve always used, but I also had a very kind fellow picker buy me a blue chip during camp and I love that thing.


I love mine. (JD Crowe model) Blue chip picks are the real-deal.

I’ve using a Blue Chip JD Crowe for about a year and it’s the best I’ve tried. Sure was a great camp!


Good to hear from you, Larry! I enjoyed meeting you at camp.


I purchased a Blue Chip at camp. It fit my thumb perfectly. I didn’t get to try it out until this afternoon. The sound is much better. It is longer than the pick I was using so it will take a few hours of picking to adjust.

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Either that, or I wonder if a guy could just sand it down a bit to suit? Mine was a JD Crowe thumbpick which I believe is one of the shorter ones anyway. In my opinion, the blue chip thumbpicks really are a premium pick in terms of quality.

Hopefully that Blue Chip will help you not have to get your kerosene rags out :wink:

It was good to meet you at camp, Jeff!

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@5stringpreacher My fingers are now tougher ! It was fantastic to meet you. With your inspiration, I am now the 5 stringpilgrim.


I look forward to seeing a Video of your new Signature song “I AM A PILGRIM” :wink: :star_struck:

@Deere_Crossing. I’m a little better banjo picker than guitar. The banjo camp slots filled up so I went with guitar. The camp was great.


Mean Mary posted a new one on YouTube today (or yesterday, I only saw it today) it’s called the dark woods

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Wow. She does different stuff and I like it. I could take or leave her voice though, but when she gets to pickin, yeah, I’m diggin’ that.