Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Banjo Newbie

Good to have you!

Welcome aboard. Nice to hear another beginner :grin:

Welcome. This is hands down the best site on the internet for learning guitar mandolin or banjo. It will take lots of practice, but Ben makes the practice a lot of fun!


I to often feel it is harder for me to self teach even with something so great as Ben’s material. That’s why starting in 2018 I’ll be paying for @BanjoBen to live at the Brown homestead. He just doesn’t know it yet.

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Welcome Eric!


Thanks a lot for all the replies! I appreciate it.

I share your feelings, Eric - and welcome. I have been playing for about 2 years and soooo like Ben’s site. Lot’s of motivation here. Ben always keeps it new and exciting - in my mind.

I will also say… I am hard on myself and feel I get in ruts… slow to improve; however, my wife (non-musician) says she hears the improvement.

I take solice in that because the comment is just offered in pure sound of my playing.

Hope to talk more with you and good luck!

This is actually one of the best reasons to video yourself playing and then posting your video here. Not only will you get encouragement from your fellow students and Ben, you’ll also have something to look back on in coming years to see how far you’ve progressed.

Ben is constantly encouraging us to video ourselves for good reason. There are so many ways it helps take the lesson experience up a notch.


I concur with @Mark_Rocka and would also add that posting video’s provides @BanjoBen with important feedback on his teaching method.


I appreciate the advice. Interesting to note… just prior to posting the WELCOME to Eric, I recorded myself on Christmas Day for the very first times. I played Working Man Blues (a version from another book), a simple single pass of Boil them Cabbage Down (again from the other book) and a simple melody of Ashoken Farewell (single notes - no chords).

It WAS enlightening!


Tried posting a video… difficultly to upload

Did you put it on you tube or something first then post a link to here or try to embed ?

I don’t believe it will upload directly form your device.

Tried uploading from device :thinking:

I used Google Drive and hope that works

Hi William. You have to upload your video to YouTube first. Then copy and paste the YouTube on Ben’s website for it to work. It’s not possible to upload video directly onto Ben’s site.

Hi Mark,

As @Archie advised, I tried using Google Drive to post Worried Man Blues.

Will you try it to see if it works? Click on the Google Drive icon… and let me know. THANKS,:grinning:

I don’t see a link to your Google drive. Did you post a link?

Edit - I found your post and replied to it.

I did post the link!

I was hoping to find another way… without YouTube posting… or… can you restrict access on YouTube but share here?

Yes…the option is given when you upload…if you mis that you can go to “manager” and edit the settings later.

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