Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Banjo Basics & Beyond!

Any advice for beginners on how to pick out the basic melody in Tab from all the rolls, ornaments etc. so we don’t get lost playing ‘notes’ and lose the tune in the process?

Is there a place to leave a question that’s not out there for everyone else to read?

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Email to and we’ll try to get to it!

Big secret gif

Done. Thanks!

Nah brother, nothing like that, haha! Asking for a special someone. Some people are more self conscious and the internet can be harsh. But you and I know we’re all amongst friends here, right?


Sure are Justinhandshake I just like to tug on a ponytail every now & then

Yeah man! (Sorry I don’t know how to do the fancy animated stuff, hee hee)

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It’s a secret! oldbanjoe50

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When I am picking I sometimes notice a clicking sound, especially when I am picking the first string. Do I need to be using different fingerpicks or is something else causing this?

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Yes. And about that…idea of friends here…I love the people I have been meeting on account of playing music! It is like a big family! Looking forward to the program this evening! This especially includes the folks I enjoyed meeting in St. Pete at Camp! Robin


Hi Ben, my question is “Are light strings or medium strings better to get that good bluegrass sound”


I’m stuck working on anything beyond the normal chords - D and F are tough. Any guidance would be great. Secondly, any and all practice tips. I’m like most I’m guessing - not able to get much past beginner stuff.




We’re cutting the questions off here for tonight…see you soon!