For the record, I am serious, and I do NOT do sarcasm.
IMHO, sarcasm is hurtful, and even when it is meant to be jocular, it still comes across hurtful in print, when tone of voice & body language is not available to convey the correct meaning.
And, for the record, whether you know it or not, you struck a chord with Ben and what he is trying to teach. You “went down the rabbit hole,” and I believe Ben is trying to teach us to “Fear not.” (Personally, I prefer “Fear nought.”)
If you listened to Ben’s interview with Vince Mareno, you would have heard Ben tell a story about the dumbest student he ever had. This kid was so stupid, he wore his finger picks backwards, and wondered why they kept flying off his fingers! This idiot kid even asked
J. D. Crowe about flying finger picks! What a dope!!
The story does have a happy ending, and the moral was “Fear not” (or nought.)
Sure, you are just some dumb beginner, but no body is laughing at you. Some even admire your courage for going down the rabbit hole without permission.
IMO, your innocent question demonstrated exactly the kind of attitude Ben would love to foster in all his students.