Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Are wide neck mandolins easier to play?

I have a Capek Pro mandolin and the nut width is average but its so much smaller and harder to play than guitar. I’m an advanced guitar player. Are the Northfield wide nut mandolins that much easier to play? My fingers feel really fat on mandolin and they tend to mute the surrounding strings. Is this normal?


I have two wide neck mandolins (one is a pretty chunky neck profile too). The more I play mandolin the more I get used to whatever spacing is in my hand. I am not sure if that is true for most folks. A nice benefit of big finger pads is that you can easily cover more than one course with a single finger. I’d say try some different neck profiles and widths and see if it makes a big difference for you.


I personally can feel quite the difference with the wide nut and it’s more comfortable, though I get used to standard spacing after a while if that’s what I have. I think you’d dig it.