Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Ain’t Dead Yet

But close enough. It’s Day 8 of in the hospital for me, recovering from a rapid onset case of severe, acute pancreatitis.
During my stay, we had to have my beloved dog
put down. All in all, not the best of weeks.
That’s the news. Gotta go. Nurse is here.
Probably won’t post for a couple days.


Hang in there buddy. Sorry to hear you lost a friend especially now when you need a companion. Know that your in my thoughts and prayers.

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Sorry to hear this, @BanJoe. Good that you caught it in time. Very sorry to hear of your loss—the loss of a pup is so very hard. Hang in there.

Thanks for letting us know. I am confident folks will be praying for you as a result, and I’ll be joining them. So sorry for rough time medically and the loss of your dog.

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Hang in there @BanJoe. Prayers being lifted for you and your family.

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Praying for you, Joe!

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Praying for a quick recovery, @BanJoe!

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Man, pancreas is on the fritz, in the hospital, AND your dog died? And then you say “not the best of weeks”? That would definitely count as my worst week. I’m sorry to hear this, brother.

On the bright side, you can use your down time to write a chart-topping country song.


This may be hard to believe, but I’ve had several weeks that were much worse.
As for the country song, that’s already been covered.
“Gloom, despair, agony on me.”

I’m sure you know the rest.


Thanks to everyone offering prayers. Make sure they are prayers of thanksgiving.
Call me names, but I never cared for prayers for healing. If you trust God, the outcome doesn’t matter. Everything will be alright, even if your family is fighting at the funeral and you’re on the wrong side of the dirt.
Thank you all. I can’t wait to get my hands on my banjo again!


Praying for you @BanJoe. Thanksgiving AND healing. I believe God wants our requests too. We can praise Him specifically when He answers specifically! “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬

Keep us updated :heart::pray:


Yikes! Man sorry to hear about that one. Brother in law just went through that recently, knowing what he went through I know your having it rough. Throwing in my best wishes for a speedy recovery and healing heart.


Agreed! Preach it!


@BanJoe Hang in there! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


I’m talking to God about you (how’s that)? Are you still in the hospital? If so, maybe someone could bring your banjo. Now who wouldn’t want to heal quickly and move along after hearing some banjo down the hall?!


If I heard banjo in the hospital, first I’d find out where it’s coming from, then I would stay there!

There’s a chance I will be released today.
10 days of blood tests at 4am has kinda lost its novelty. Between that & IV’s, my arms look like a dead rock stars.


I know the routine and those early morning blood tests and IV’s. I am NOT a morning person one young nurse used to come in and wake us up with a blast of lights and some cheery chats when she was on earlies. Man I could have screamed. Especially if I had been up half the night with bodily function issues and blood transfusions… Getting blood samples out of me are a struggle for most medical staff. I think on one occasion the record was 9 failed attempts at one sitting. Next morning an experienced nurse hit the spot first time and drew 5 viles and I never felt a thing.


Just learning this! Hope things are progressing in the right way, @BanJoe!

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I know how it is to always be the last to know!

Happy Day! I was released from the hospital a few hours ago, am back home but no where near 100% Closer to 63% at this point. Hard to believe I was in there for 10 days!
I’m still on the miserable “Full Liquid” diet, for two days, then I can start slipping in a wee bit of real food.
Thanks to everyone for their prayers & well wishes. Always welcome, always needed.

So I came home to a different world. Murdoch, the puppy in my profile picture, has passed away. From my banjo practice chair I can see his grave. When I regain enough strength to pick up my Sierra, it will be interesting to see what sounds my new view brings forth.

There are days I feel like the book of Job is a light-hearted look at life.


Glad to hear your home. It’s gonna take a while @BanJoe “One Day at a Time”

This wee Scot’s lassie will help you on your journey. She did it for me.