This is a place to post about the upcoming Forum Hangouts, and also for us to track progress on our goals, share what we’re working on, and encourage one another!
About the Forum Hangouts category
I forgot to add my goal on the list, but my main goal this year is to have better finger and picking control! I find a lot of times when I’m picking, my fingers start muting different notes and strings (this is also true with the “F major” chord). I feel like I need to slow down a little and concentrate on each note I want to play.
Another goal is to get more songs into my repertoire! A lot of the songs I play are TAB only. I have no idea how to get the arrangement off paper, into my head, and then improvise. I know that the pick-along lessons are supposed to help, but I feel that I don’t know enough melody lines/ runs/ or licks!
My goal before the next forum hangout is to learn the Black Mountain Rag in C, which is the next song on the intermediate guitar checklist for me.
LISTENING and TablEdit