Forum Members:
I have seen some recent posts about students interested in experimenting and asking about the impact to multi-instrumental playing and its’ affect on slowing down progress on their primary instrument.
My experience is that it doesn’t seem to have a negative impact.
That said, my Mando is just much more comfortable and an entirely better class of instrument to my starter hallow-back.
Therefore, I have been drawn in and have played the Mando much more in recent months.
Well, last night, I pulled out the ole Banjer with some trepidation. I must say… it was like the ole bike ride… It was quirky at first… Then, that fell away… and honestly, I had some actual improvements once I got back to being accustomed to the larger Banjo frets.
HOWEVER, there truly was some anxiety in my mind. I thought about… why?
In the end, I think I feared how “bad” the long break would have affected my playing.
Truth be told, I am a comete novice… so there was really not much to be lost anyway.
However, I am pleased to report… The experience was like seeing an old friend again… a little nerves that melted away when I started playing.
I just wanted to share and see if others have experienced taking a long break and having some feelings of reservation (or our own negative thoughts) that made going back a bit tougher than expected?