Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Where have I BEN?! (See what I did there?)

My thoughts…

You’re not living to work, Ben, you’re working to live!
Priority in general: God -> Family -> Work -> Extended Family/Friends etc.
God means preference given to God’s authority in obeying/following God’s (Jesus’s) commandments.
Your pastoral duty, mission travel should be least of your worry. Paid or otherwise, they would go under work. To understand it, Reality check: Would you give up your music and music teaching for all these to be considered under God to give more priority over Family??
To be more efficient with your work, delegating with people trustworthy as you plan must be an excellent idea.
Cut as much time as you can on the less priority items and spend much time with your wife and precious kids. (I can never ever forget how my then 10-month old daughter missed me when I was out of town for a weekend, years ago. When I was back, she clung to me with a grip so tight for about 10-15 minutes and would not let me go.)
Success mantra: Build everything upon the rock - Jesus’ commandments!!


I too concur, that “one-lesson/instrument/month” is quite sufficient, especially considering the immense portfolio already in place. At the risk of appearing overly presumptuous, I would suggest that perhaps taking a month off per year vacation (or more) might be advisable. What drew me to the B.Ben Clark Website, was creativity, quality & accuracy of the Tabs & Instruction. In order to maintain that, at least I would have to have time off to refresh Body and Soul. My “shave and a haircut, 2-bits” worth anyway. Happy Picking! Campbell Clan.

Jeremiah 31:25 For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”


That would be a dream!!! I have some consultants advising me to do the same. I have to make it happen.


I’m good with one lesson a month. There’s already more content than I’ll learn in two lifetimes.


Any planners out there that’ll give you back 60 hrs a month! Just kiddin. This is great Ben. I’ll echo what others say about the abundance of material already available. I only have like a dozen bookmarked and those keep me plenty pleased. That’s an awesome looking planner too, thanks for providing the link. Think I’ll get one for my wife, she loves great ideas like this. Best of luck and thanks for sharing your new vision and schedule with us. :blush:

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Okay Ben,
Just to let you know. Your competition, Guitar Tricks, just sent me an email offering a discounted price on their subscription and in addition to that…A FREE HUNTINGTON GUITAR WITH NYLON STRINGS (I think it’s a $50 guitar) if I sign up now while supplies last.

So let me get this straight. You’ve decided to cut back on services to the BanjoBen site a little in order to accommodate family and friends.
Uh, let me ponder for a moment…should I stay with you…

Heck, no contest! I’ve only been a Gold Pick Member for a month and have had two personal video lessons from the leader himself as well as access to some great beginner lessons that have helped quiet a bit.

I think I’m more than ok with your decision.

Hey, but a free Blueridge or Eastman guitar would be nice…hahahhaa


Thanks! There may be a perceived reduction in content to the site, but actually the services will increase in the restructuring. I’m excited to make the change!


Hi Ben

Theres nothing more important than Time… it’s the only commodity we really have that we fully control what we do with it and sometimes hard decisions in work life need to make way.

Family and Friends above all should be your number 1 priority as you just can’t get back time you dont spend with them.

Good luck and god bless you im sure you will make the right choices and we will still be here practicing…
