Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

What's your process for learning a new lesson?

For me, the tef file only helps me get the break down to a certain extent. To really get it to where I could rip it off in an open jam, It takes the backing track to provide realistic practice. For instance, right now I am learning Deck the Halls for a jam. I could play it up to speed with the tef file, but everything kind of fell apart when I switched over to the backing track. End point is that if you can play the solo over the backing track, you can pretty much rip it off over anything.


How far are you slowing files down? In general, sound files do degrade when the tempo is electronically altered. I personally use Pro Tools First, a free version of the industry standard, Pro Tools. I love it and would recommend it to anyone. There is a bit of a learning curve, but it is such a powerful software, and all for free! It has the ability to slow down tracks and unless you are slowing them down like 40-50 bpm, there will be some quality loss

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This is what happens to me, as soon as I try to play along with the mp3 files everything falls apart.

I don’t recall it’s been a while since I tried. @Mark_Rocka is the expert with Audacity.

Thanks for the tips. my biggest struggle is going from reading tab to memorizing it after I get something memorized that’s when the real fun starts.


That’s where memorizing in small sections comes in handy. It’s the old “How do you eat an elephant” strategy. I sat down to learn Bill Cheatham this morning. I had it mostly memorized using this technique in about an hour.

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@Fisherbro @Archie I use Song Surgeon. I can slow the songs waaaay down and they sound good, to me at least. Now I bought the “Pro” version, so I can’t speak for the “Standard” version(there is a comparison chart on the website). They do have a “Trial or Demo” version, but its only good for 4hrs of use. Just something to look into. I find that the “Tef file” download works well also, my biggest issue with it is that the sound of the instrument is kind of hard to get used to. But that just me.


My process is similar in concept to @Mark_Rocka’s: 1 watch the demo video to get a feel for the tune. 2 download all of the audio files and tab sheet. 3 watch the instructional video, pausing at each lick (unless they’re easy or I know the phrase already, e.g. a g lick). After I learn each lick, I attach it to the rest of the song, and play it through to figure out the proper timing and feel. 4 play along with the slow video which also helps with timing/feel. 5 repeat the song -+ a billion times. 6 sleep. On the next day y I can always play it better. It is important to note that after each 1-3 licks/five minutes, I take a small break, and play something I know really well to help my brain absorb info

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I do this too. Maybe not quite that often, but several small breaks during the learning process has proven really helpful for me. It’s the opposite of how I was taught to study anything else.

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Hi @_Tye_Stick I bought Video Surgeon years ago and no sooner had I bought it I was being asked to pay for an update. Sorry that sure read pestered

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Thanks I’m certainly gonna try that

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@Archie, sorry to hear that, that is not right at all. But I cannot speak for Video Surgeon, all I know is that Song Surgeon works great for me. I also have the “Pro” version, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Hi @_Tye_Stick It’s the same guy that created Song Surgeon. Video Surgeon works fine enough. What upset me was his constant emails after I told him I had no plans to upgrade.

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@Archie Ya, I was looking up “Video Surgeon” and did see that it is owned by the same people, plus they have some other ones also. Well, being “pressured” into something doesn’t make you want to promote or upgrade their services. Sometimes salesmen get really pushy with things, that’s one of the reasons I don’t work in car sales anymore, I just can’t sell somebody something they don’t want or are not ready to buy. Not all salesmen are that way though. It’s too bad he ruined it for you.

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As I was driving today, I had a thought about step one, so I changed it up just a little. I also decided it’d be a good idea to add a mention of Gunnar’s addition of taking several breaks during the learning process.

It’s all a work in progress.


@Mark_Rocka, how often do you play/practice and what does that look like? Do you practice the same new lesson and song for the duration, or do you mix it up and try different songs during your session?
For example, I practice almost every day for about an hour. I usually warm up by playing some songs I know well. I then may work on timing of a song I already know a few times and then move onto a new song I am trying to learn for most of the hour. Sometimes, I play a song I was working on the day before in the morning a couple of times, just so it is repetition at different times of the day. I find that really helps for trying to memorize a song. Some songs I have almost memorized I will work on as well when I get frustrated from trying the new song over and over. I do not really have a set routine, but work on what I want as I go. I used to work on scales a little as well as chord triads. When I really want to get a new song down though, I don’t practice them much. I wonder if a more structured practice session would be better for my progression.

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I’m learning that, for me, structure is better. I also tend to be all over the place, but the more I focus, the more I seem to accomplish. I just started on the Bill Cheatham intermediate lesson yesterday morning and have it playing at about 95% speed now. Here’s how that looked.

  • Sunday, I downloaded the MP3 and listened to it while doing chores around the house.
  • Monday morning I got up and started working through the TEF file 2 measures at a time. I started at 30% speed. After about an hour, I felt I had it mostly committed to memory. I practiced the whole song with the TEF file for another hour and then went about my day.
  • Last night I sat down with it for another hour, maybe hour and a half right before bed. I had it up to 85% speed before going to bed.
    This morning I got up and spent another hour on it before going to work. I got it up to about 95% speed. There are still a couple of spots in the verse and the chorus my fingers want to swap. That’s pretty common, since the notes are similar. I think it’s due to REALLY knowing the song, so today I’m listening to it while driving around town just to get it totally committed to memory. I feel pretty good about having it up to 100% before going to bed tonight.

I think it’s important to stick with a lesson once you’ve decided to learn it. Also important is to keep going back to it. I found out the other day that I have completely forgotten Deck The Halls that I learned last year. That’s very frustrating. So, I make sure to go through every song I know at least once a week to keep it fresh.

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@Archie how are you adding the bass track? Are you adding the same note at quarter note intervals, or are you using notes an actual bass would use in 4/4 quarter note intervals? I am thinking about just adding a drum beat or something for rhythm so that I don’t have to worry about the actual bass note that would match the measure.

HI @JoeB I open a tef file in TablEdit and create a new instrument tag, I then click on the new tag and change the instrument to Bass and select Acoustic Bass from the list. I then fill out the bass notes at quarter note duration, Down beat and off beat following the chord progression. Remembering to save the edited .tef file.

You can add a drum beat if that suits. I use to just add a click track before I started using bass.

All @BanjoBen 's Tef Files come with a Rhythm Guitar tag so really there’s no need for a Bass I just like the sound of the bass (deep tone) in my headphones. I like the banjo in the right headset and the rhythm guitar in the left headset I have the bass or click track centred

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I like that method, but I would have to learn how to play a bass.:slight_smile: