Forum - Banjo Ben Clark


can anyone tell me where I can find vamping on this site for the banjo. I was in the section of solo building with amazing grace and saw some vamping and it looked interesting. I would like to learn this or is this an advanced move?

thank you


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Watch this starting at 1:41


Thank you!!! Thatā€™s actually next in line after solo section so I was coming to that. Thanks so much!!!


Also, make sure to check out the waypoints lesson. While not exactly vamping, per se, itā€™s the foundation for it all the way up the neck. Ben is going to continue the waypoints series in the near future, so itā€™ll be good to have that lesson under your belt.


Youā€™re welcome. :+1: Iā€™ve watched almost every lesson in the Banjo basic and intermediate sections even though still doing basic rolls. Seems like a strange thing to call muting the notesā€¦ā€œvampingā€. I wonder why itā€™s called that?

Maybe something to do with pinching the back beats?

Iā€™d like to know myself.

Just googled it.

Vamping patterns are used almost exclusively with movable chords and are characterized by frettingā€hand muting techniques that give a percussive, snare drum-like sound to this technique. These muting techniques are the same as what mandolin players play when they provide backup to the banjo in a bluegrass band.

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thank you , so great to have a supportive community!!!


Hi Mark

Have you an idea when BB will be doing more waypoint lessons? i.e D, Em, etc

He recently told me to keep reminding him, so Iā€™m hoping any day now.

Ok cool pal :+1: