Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Using Audacity

You could go here & record it onto Audacity maybe…

or if you have your own metronome you could record that…

Don’t remember Audacity having a click-track feature but it’s been a while since I used it… I’ll take a look on my other device tomorrow if I have time.

Are you using a PC or a Mac?

Personally I think I’d just use an online metronome like or the one built in to Google. If that doesn’t work, let me know why and I’ll come up with something.

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Yes mark, I’ve been doing thatbut I think it will be a hassl when properly alligning the tracks.still learning.

Hi Jack This has got me wondering how @BanjoBen aligns multi tracks when creating lessons since he is regularly working with three instruments he must have to lay down a rhythm track first then stack the other instruments. Maybe once he gets back to the cabin after his manic weekend he might just throw light on this topic.

I don’t really work with Audacity and MP3 much. I prefer using TablEdit It’s fairly easy to lay out down a click track to practice with.

I’ve never used audacity for multitrack recording. I’ll check it out later and report back what I find.

Appreciate that Dave.

Thanks Archie.

OK, so it turns out this is really easy. In Audacity, click on the Generate menu entry and select Rhythm Track.

In the Rhythm Track window, set all of the parameters you want. Use the Number of Measures entry to make the track as long as you need. I recommend over estimating the length you need since you’ll end up deleting the click track anyway.


If you plan on having a bass in the mix, I recommend recording it first. The bass is what our ears tune in to for a rhythm in the absence of a hard beat like drums. I’ve always had the best success with multitrack recording when I record bass first, and I think Ben has said the same thing.

I may have to try Audacity for my next project. Let me know if you need anything else.


Perfect Mark! And, thanks for the advice on bass track first. I’ll let you know how it goes.


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So, I created the click track and the bass line with no problem. Then I played it back, and lag on bass line is badly behind. Lowered project rate, but didn’t help.

Is there not some way to synch all the tracks? Being that Audacity is open source, it’s documentation is a bit sketchy.

One more thing, I’m plugging my synth directly into my midi interface, so this should be created as an audio rather than midi track…yes?

You can just grab the track and move it to sync it (there’s a “tool” for that)…might take a few tries.


That’s my suggestion, too. If the lag is consistent, zoom way in on the track and use the arrow tool to move it back in sync.


Appreciate it guys. Will keep you posted.

So how did you create the Bass line?

Used synthesizer. (Yamaha MM6). Going to post what I got in a few if I can get it exported.


Right thanks Jack

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Here is a copy of a backing track I made for “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” Consists of four tracks. Bass, strings, kick drum and guitar. Very raw, but I hope you like it.

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem Backing Track


Can’t get it to work on my phone, but I’ll check it out when I get home.