Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Oh wow. I don’t think a five-year-old should be here…

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I remembered you saying you were 17 so I was dedicated and found it!

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I thought that was on the thread Archie deleted.

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Hey good sign, we got almost as many as the humor thread!!

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Yeah, we’ve got a bunch here!

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I’m still not regular :joy:

Actually, I learned things as a homeschooler, which is apparently above the average.
My point is, you’re in Canada, right?

Yeah, that!

Same. But they’re all over-confident, so I usually end up correcting them after they make a mistake.

Mic drop

Another proof that the two years I have on you is noticeable…

This reeks of I know you are but what am I

Roasted!!! Wait, that’s me in the fire… poop

First off, fiscal wellbeing is completely unrelated to maturity (ok it’s only partially irrelevant, but I believe myself to sit in the highest represented income bracket so yeah)
Also, I only made it about maturity because Mason stubbornly refused to accept objective reality, so I altered our course into a make believe realm he could feign a competent grasp of.


You don’t even have quite one year on me… Isn’t two a bit of an exaggeration?

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Same :joy::joy::joy: And get barked at for being prideful :unamused:

He’s rounding I would assume.

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Yes I am.

Ya it’s you. I would never roast @Mason_Crone.

Easy Mason. He’s insecure. don’t know what for…:musical_note:

You mean rotunding?


Rounding would make it one year, he’s about 10 months older than me.

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10 month hasn’t really seemed to make that big of a difference has it?


No prob, roasting means you still take them out of the fire once they’ve been thoroughly blackened, I just leave you to burn to ashes.

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I take back the thanks.

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Your welcome.

Perhaps, but you’re proving my point.
You’re turning 20 this year then?


Not as round as Mason is (and you apparently aren’t)

Well unless Canada moved to Australia all of a sudden, that makes you American.

Well I wouldn’t say something like that about him, but I won’t stop you from doing so.

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Then I have no clue how you got two years out of that, Gunnar.

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No, but we’ll both be 19 for a couple months, which means you aren’t quite a year older than me. About ten months, like I said.

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No I realize you would be much meaner.