Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

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I’m working on making chord shapes & changing chords smoothly, in time and clean.
Specifically, G, A, C, D & F up & down the neck.
And I’ve recently experimented with Dm, Em & Am.
I’m also working on cures for sores fingertips & fingers with muscle cramps. More funding will be required.


I recently crossed paths with a guitar player from 40+ year back. He played fantastic jazz, blues, and bluegrass. He reminded of the idea of learning a concept to the level it is locked in you brain and it will allow you to do it automatically. I’ve been working on the chords all over the neck and after a year it’s starting to happen.

ALSO, If it wasn’t for a demanding job I could play more.


As a Retired Guy, I thought I would have more time. I never wanted to be that retried guy who said, “I’m busier now than when I was working!” That just seemed wrong.
But nothing really changes. If you could manage your time while working, you can manage it while retired. If you were always stressed out about something while working, you’ll be stressed out about something while retired. “A leopard cannot change his spots.” Sometimes there is a lot of truth in the wisdom of the ages.
Never forget one thing: A successful musician is one who can play just for the fun of it. :banjo::+1::grin:


Wise words Joe!


I’ve been doing a lot of fiddling lately, since I’m in a group that learns two or three tunes a week on fiddle.
When I’m not fiddling I’ve been mostly fingerpicking guitar and singing folk songs, which is kinda scary cuz I think I’m at least a couple score years too young for that…

I’m competing on fiddle at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in a couple weeks. Never played scottish fiddle before, but here we go!