Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Proud of my fellow Americans today

Here ya go Billy…
Why the Willow Weeps

Singiing is pretty bad and way too mechanical but it is what it is.


Did you just write this, or did it come from someone else?

Oh geez…is there an ignore button?

Good morning folks, from the sunny icecold Germany. Just one sentence, don,t allow anyone to touch your great constitution and fight for your rights, the US would,nt exist without arms in the hands of brave citizens.


Gunnar, yes I wrote it.

A rather dark tune that came from a very vivid dream. I woke up and started writing fast as I could.& this came out…it’s pretty much in the original form. with just a few words edited


Well it’s a fine song! I enjoyed it very much. Nothing wrong with the vocals either. Picking was effective and got the mood of the song across along with your lyrics.

I still think we should have a Sticky Topic called “Commentary on the Times” for original songs like this.


Love the chord progression! Melody is great too. :+1:


Thanks Jack.

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Well it was very good, if a little dismal. It’d be great for the Steeldrivers actually, if you can get it documented and send it to them I think it would be great


I think it’s worth pointing out the hypocrisies when such a large gathering of armed law abiding people of different races from different states, billed by the leftist media as a violent white racist rally, can come together and participate in an event like this respectfully and no one was shot or hurt and they didn’t leave a crap show of garbage for others to clean up.

Contrast that with environmental and antifa and women’s marches, rallies, and protests that are violent, foul mouthed, vulgar, put people in the hospital, attack police, burn buildings and burden a municipality with mountains of garbage and filth to deal with, all the while being painted by the leftist media as just another peaceful protest.


Thanks Tom. It’s not often we get an acknowledgement like that from someone in another country, so thanks :slight_smile:


Extremists of any political belief are usually hypocritical to some point.

A couple of thousand people armed with weapons is not my idea of “peaceful” petitioning of the gov’t.
Making public display of arms and readiness to use them intimates a threat. governments do it with regularity. It goes all the way back to the history of the handshake.

Aside from that, I agree it is good that they got involved in the decision making process…(.as long as they weren’t crossing State lines to influence the politics of a State they have no rightful say in.), and it’s a good thing there was not trouble & picked up after themselves.

So how is the banjo coming along? :slightly_smiling_face:


True that. And I’m sure I’m hypocritical at times… on a lot of things actually.

I think it was way more than a couple thousand though. I wouldn’t think this a good first step in petitioning the government for a redress of grievances either, however I don’t think it was a petitioning of any sort. I think it was the people telling the Governor and Legislature of Virginia that your new little laws do not trump our rights as spelled out in the US Constitution. Shall not be infringed.

It has worked to some degree. The original laws they were trying to pass would have made it illegal to gather at a gun range to shoot and to train another person to shoot, etc. 80+% of the citizenry would have been instant criminals. The legislature has toned it down quite a bit, but still not enough in my opinion.

But hey, we also have freedom of speech here so we can debate things like this here. There still exist places where you would be jailed or executed for exercising free speech.

As for the BANJO, well I gotta tell ya. I saw someone comment recently that when they are not able to play for a day or two or more, somehow they sound better when they finally do get to play. So I took that to heart see, and so I’m not playing as often as I can. I oughta be able to kick it with Ricky and the boys pretty soon, so I got that goin’ for me :wink:


ha! Maybe I should try not playing…I seem to be getting worse


Very nice!

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Thanks Severin!


In my limited understanding from studying constitutional laws in the last month or two…

I guess the people are aware of the courts’ “selective incorporation” doctrine (or “judicial hypocrisy” in plain terms) in applying constitutional law. Meaning the “privileges and immunities” clause of the 14th amendment is NOT used to enforce the state for certain enumerated rights in the bill of rights (amendments 1-8), particularly in amendment 1 & 2. Probably for a good reason like grabbing gun away from bad people. And the courts expect one to use the expanded “due process” clause of the fifth amendment or the “equal protection clause” to gain your privileges in amendment 1 &2… This hole or loophole is where I believe the “contollers” are looking to gain entry to deny people of certain constitutional rights, besides probably looking to take away the complete right.

I’m speaking purely from law standpoint.

Don’t be too hard on you, Maggie! It is God who make the change, not the individual. And God is only looking for an intent to change (the desire) from an individual!

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I disagree. I feel no sense of pride in that display. I suppose maybe I would feel different if it seemed like they cared about the constitution as a whole instead of just that one part that they happen like. I’m not anti-2nd amendment. I understand personal protection and sporting arms and I have no problem with that. The problem that I do have is that in this country we have elevated firearms to a unhealthy level of idolatry that will only get worse. It has become a religion. This display was about intimidation. Nothing more, nothing less. They could have protested with signs but I think we all know that wouldn’t have the same effect. If armed protests are to become the norm then perhaps next they will march on DC, locked and loaded to demand that the Senate uphold their oaths of office and actually conduct a fair impeachment trial that allowed witnesses or evidence, Or perhaps for the Equal Rights Amendment or that we all have quality, affordable healthcare. BTW, when an innocent bystander gets shot, who pays for those hospital bills? Is the NRA kicking in? Somehow, I don’t see that happening, do you? Before I go further I should note that I am a hypocrite. I know that I am a hypocrite but right now there is nothing that I can do about it. You see, I make a living designing machine tools and a big part of our business is making machines that make parts for guns. I hate that aspect of it but I have to do my job and meet my obligations. Before you tell me to just “get another job” well, if only it were that easy. I know I am part of the problem as we continue to drown ourselves in weapons of mass destruction and let’s not mince words. …that is exactly what they are. Yes. I am a hypocrite, I know it and I hate it. I got no sense of pride from that display whatsoever because it seems as if they only thing we are willing to fight for is guns themselves. Certainly not the entire constitution. And I am even more disillusioned by what so-called evangelicals are willing to turn a blind eye to these days. You guys know what I am talking about. I am not proud at all, I am ashamed of what we have become. Yes, I am a hypocrite… but at least I’ll admit it.


Y’all have kept it AMAZINGLY civil and I’ve been edified by your attitudes and love for one another, but I’m gonna shut it down. Thanks, y’all!