Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Nashville Number System vs Roman Numerals

This is the best thing I’ll read all day. :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Arabic ARABIC ? For goodness sake don’t tell Donald. He wants America to be GREAT AGAIN. Weird I always thought American’s were GREAT.

Turns out, the Arabic number system is as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 etc.

Oh, and Americans are great (well, some of us are anyway :smirk: )

America is in a sad, sad state of affairs. Read about the abortion laws that were just passed in NY. It actually made me a bit nauseous.


We have too many of our own political issues over here right now. I have no desire to head down that road Jack.

Me neither

It’s a painful one. Pray for us.

Just cause I care about you Jack, when you say you are nauseous, you are saying you nauseate others. I’m a grammar snob. I talk good see :wink:

My other favs include “I could care less”, orientated, irregardless, safety deposit box, and ending one’s sentences in prepositions like “where are you at?” When called out on this one, the original speaker is then usually motivated to correct his statement or question such as “where are you at a%% h@&e?”. My favorite though is Winston Churchill’s rebuttal to this rule - “that is something up with which I shall not put”.


I actually tried to explain why this is wrong once. I finally gave up. They wore me down to the point that I couldn’t care less. :wink:


I yam what I yam.


There are thing I could care less about and things that I couldn’t…depends n the thing…

So, I’m guessing Jack became nauseated?

oh, that’s right…OP is on numberage…:notes:

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For the unborn, I’ll cry out where anybody will listen. :cry:


You could always start a thread…

I have a question regarding NNS: how are chords like G7 represented or is the use of something like G7 just optional? I’m trying to write out the Nashville Number System for Amazing Grace from Ben’s TEF file and the first 8 measures are:

G G7 C G
D D7 G G7

Clearly, the sound will be different with the G7 and D7 than just the G and D so how are these handled in the NNS?

Awesome! Thanks fiddle_wood - that is a very handy chart!


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Yep, superscript 7. If you draw a line through the 7 it makes it a major 7 chord (hardly ever used in bluegrass, if ever).

NOW I understand why pedal steel players take their shoes off to play E11!


Best comment of the year award right here!

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