I am signed-up for the 3/25/23 Cabin Camp, and really looking forward to it. I am concerned that I may have missed some emails, since Feb 15. I must have accidentally unchecked the box to receive emails. Anyway, I just checked the box again (to receive emails), and would like to catch-up. Could you re-send me anything that I may have missed regarding the upcoming camp?
Kilgore Cabin Camp, March 2023
I sent an email to that address about 15 minutes after you posted the above reply. So far, I haven’t received a bounce back.
What are the symptoms you’re experiencing? Do you get a bounce back? If so, can you post the text of that bounce back email either here or PM it to me?
No sooner had I hit reply than Amy replied to my email, so I can confirm that email account is working. We’ll get to the bottom of it. Let see what that bounce message says.
Thank you for your help. This is the message I receive when trying to send the email:
“There was a problem saving the message. Please try again later. (EP-4010)”
HI @crisler2 Eric sounds as though you have a problem with your email software try sending yourself a test message.
That sounds like an old AOL error. Are you still subscribed to AOL? If so, it’s almost certainly a problem they’ll have to fix for you.
Sorry for the slow reply. Amy told me they are having some issues sending emails to AOL addresses. I set-up a gmail account and all is good now. Thanks for your help.
Well, two days after Cabin Camp (Kilgore,TX), and I’m still grinning ear to ear. It was my first Cabin Camp. I had such a great time. Ben & Hannah, Penny, Katy, Sara. Amy and all the staff, and cabin campers - thanks for making me feel so welcome. I enjoyed every minute of instruction, concerts, jamming, food, and getting to know many of the folks. Hope to do this again. Thanks to all.
Hey Ryan, that sounds good. It was very nice to get to know you. I’m just glad they let us Louisiana folks in.
@crisler2. What part of LA are you from. I’m up in Monroe but I still have Cabin Camp on my “one day” list.