Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

If you could ask Russ Carson one banjo question

Good question. I happen to already know the answer, but we’ll see if he wants to share.


Knowing what he knows now, what would he tell younger, intermediate picker Russ to do to get to where he is now the fastest?


As an accomplished 3 finger and clawhammer player, which style do you prefer to play when just chilling on your porch?


Backup backup backup, especially his epic rolling backup.
And where or how can we learn how to play some of his solos?
He might also like to know that he is the reason I am playing banjo today, he is my favorite banjo player and ricky scaggs and kentucky thunder were and are still are my favorite band, before I barely knew what bluegrass was.


Can he share some of the fairy dust he uses to help me become a more proficient banjo player. lol
I have been focusing on learning more about playing in the Key of D without a capo. I would welcome Russ sharing his thoughts on this topic, any licks he’d care to share. Roll patterns and fretting hand positions.

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How did Russ get started with Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder?


a secret… wow


“More Dennis Parker please?”


Russ walked up at one of the camps and gave us his story. This is going to be an interesting interview. Get Russ to lay out some of his backup ideas. I’m a fan of 81crowe.


When is that 6 string banjo neck going into production?

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We’re going live with Russ tonight! The ticketed event starts at 7pm central, then we’ll go live with a Gold Picker hangout around 8:30…if you’re a Gold Picker, keep an eye out for an email tonight around 6 with the link in it.


Last night was great! There was a lot in that and I think it will really help me be a better picker. Thank you Ben and Russ! Can’t wait for the lesson.


So I missed the event with Russ Carson… bummed about that. Is there any recording of it available to see?

Sent you a private message here on the forum with the link!

Don’t know if you need to know this, but I never got that email. I couldn’t have attended. I was busy rescuing my daughter with her flat tire situation, but it’s odd that I didn’t get the email. I usually get one from you every Sunday.

FYI - Found my invite in junk mail. It was the first BBC email I found there.

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Most of y’all here are Gold Pickers anyway, so here’s the link for the hangout:


I show it was delivered to you at 6:04pm Thursday but you did not open it. The subject line is: Last chance to register for Banjo Ben Live w/ Russ Carson!

And the memo line was something like: And here’s your link for the Gold Pick Hangout!

Check your spam and let me know.

Doh! You’re right. It came in right in the middle of a bunch of spam, so it must have gotten selected with the other emails and deleted all at once. My fault. Thanks for checking.

same here