Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

I had Covid...Study Participants Wanted

Praying you recover fully Jack. Been watching the numbers steadily grow in the US and it’s quite alarming to see how the Covid virus has spread across the world. We are still shielding at home even though restrictions have been partly lifted in the UK.


I’m 66 with co-morbidities, so I have a deep appreciation for what you are doing.
While I’ve never been tested, I pretty much missed the month of February with similar symptoms.
God calls us all when we’ve finished His work here. Sounds like He still has a “to-do list” for you! (He probably just wants you to practice more before He hands you a harp. :wink:


Son-of-a-gun, a "Banjo Brit.’ I have an dear old friend living the Malvern area. According to her, there are quite a few “friends of the five-string” in the UK. Nice to know there’s one more!

I was recently reading about the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 in the UK. It’s remarkable how similar people’s behavior was then as it is now. As a result, three waves of the virus hit. The first was described as “very bad” while the second wave was “catastrophic” and the third wave “merely horrible.” Over 220,000 people died in the UK from the flu. The article said no one really changed behavior until someone they knew died from it.
I hope it doesn’t come to that.

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Hi Joseph, I lived in Evesham Worcestershire not far from the Malvern area for a year or so after leaving the army back in 1977 before finally settling home back Scotland.

Bluegrass is fairly popular in the midlands and south of England. Less so in Scotland where there’s just a handful of groups…

As for Covid I think the worst has yet to come. Brazil, Russia India Peru, Turkey, Iran, Chile and Mexico are just getting started and these countries don’t have the kind of medical facilities Europe and the US have so likely as not this virus will come back unless they can find a vaccine soon

I believe the USA will be hit again hard following the protests that we are currently witnessing right now. I hope and pray that I am wrong.

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I hope you’re wrong, too. But there’s an old expression that sorta fits.
“You can’t cure stupid.”

Army in '77 eh? My old friend happens to be an old girlfriend. She married a soldier who was supposed to be a top paddler in the military. He & I were going to enter a major canoe race, but a few weeks before the event, he broke a wrist in the car behind a two-car traffic accident. His name was Chris Morton. He passed about year ago from the same thing that got Robin Williams-Alzheimer’s with Lewy bodies. Nasty stuff.

And for what it’s worth, “Local Hero” is our favorite movie!


I am glad someone is pointing this out.

It is a tough situation over here… and I will avoid anything that may be connected to a political view.

I just mean I share your concern about the virus spreading after these protests @Archie - and what I’ve come to learn about virus cycles tied to infect “waves” - which also concerns me… and keep praying will not happen as things are just starting to return.

Also, the rise of the infections in the countries you mentioned that are increasing.

I am so happy you are healthy @Treblemaker! Please keep it that way… and praise God INDEED! :pray:


No political agenda on my part Will just looking at the numbers, listening to the health warnings from across the world. Using the common sense the good Lord gave me, it’s not hard to foresee a tidal wave coming. I hope I am wrong.


Thank you Will…all good.


Thanks Joe. Ya know, I never even knew I had it til they tested and found antibodies. Now, it’s long gone, and hopefully I’m immune. Hope the same for everyone else.


Thanks John!


Appreciate it Archie…You be safe too.


That’s awesome! I was hoping my RNA test would come back positive. Still waiting on some antibody kits here. Will be taking one ASAP.

Glad to know you pulled through with little issue.


Cool…Let us know.

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I know @Archie… as your comment was nicely worded.

I was prefacing my remarks because, on the one side, I understand the Protests… but unfortunately, the timing is far from ideal… and lead people into risk.

My point was to avoid being accused of anything other than the general Public Health and Welfare that is compromised in having protests during a pandemic.


Well, based on the news headlines it’s safer to protest than to go to church, because apparently the virus is more hostile toward non hostile groups…


News headlines, eh? Look out, because I’m gonna quote Mark Twain again:
“If you do not read a newspaper, you are uninformed.
If you do read a newspaper, you are ill-informed.”

The more things change…:slight_smile:


Gota love that Mark Twain! Wise feller!!

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Covid is fizzling out it seems… India produces hydroxychloroquine already, and 200mg tablets in 10 pack costs only a dollar! (I guess General Store can take a hint from here! :wink: :wink: )

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I’m so glad to know that the virus can only travel 5.95 feet too. :slightly_smiling_face:


“The reason academic arguments are so ferocious is becasue the stakes are so low.”

Biblical Archeology Review

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