Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Here's a chord chart I made

Hi Lee, There are some issues with storing files on the site, it would seem the links only remain active a short while before the link or the file is no longer accessible from the Forum. I suspect this may be due to automatic updates on the servers. This has been an ongoing problem for some time and I know @BanjoBen and his web team are working to resolve this.

Can you access the lessons from the Main Site? The Forum and the General Store are an Annex to the Main Site.

Go to the Main Site and Log Out, Clear your Browsing History Cache (Cookies) and login on the Main Site. Once there check you have access to the lessons and let us know if you have access.

Then click on the Forum, you should be able to access the Forum first go but sometimes you may need to login on the Forum a second time Not sure why this happens. But all I have to do is refresh the Forum page and I am in.

What type of device are you using IPad, Mac PC to access the site ? What Browser do you use ?

Thanks for sharing your feedback it all helps Ben and his Team keep the site up to date.

Hey Lee. If any of the broken file links were posted by me, shoot me a private message with your email address and which files you want and I’ll send them to you.

Ben is working on this issue, but it’s an illusive little booger. We just have to help each other out in the meantime.

Hi @Archie

Thanks for that i’m using an iMac and Chrome but still having issues accessing the files that @Mark_Rocka posed above

I’ve messaged Mark who’s kindly offered to email me them
