Yes, I was going to make the same comment about pick angle.
Discuss the Guitar lesson: Guitar Pick Hand Study
Well, I’ve practiced with holding my pick the right way and it’s definitely something that will just take time getting use to again. I can play fast and precise when holding it the wrong way but then I feel clumsy doing it the right way so it’s hard to consistently practice with the right way. Thanks for your help!
Love this lesson. I just came back to it when I’m questioning my existential musical existence. lol. I get lazy sometimes and need a recalibrate my picking hand.
Is it forming a bad habit or bad practice to use a thumb pick with the guitar? I am learning banjo also and it just feels better.
Lots of great guitar players use a thumbpick, but it’s primarily a different style than bluegrass flatpicking. I’ve known just a couple folks who could legit mimic the bluegrass flatpicking sound with a thumbpick, and not many even try.
Personally I’ve tried, but the lack of “give” in a thumbpick makes it hard for me to strum the way I can with a flatpick.
watch Tommy Emmanuel play with a thumb pick Chet Atkins style. Its incredible. He’s my guitar hero. I met him at Old Settlers Music Festival a couple years ago. It’s even more impressive in person.
He explains his technique here.
For someone just learning to use the wrist in the way you teach, is it normal for me to feel a little out of control as I strum? Will this improve with time and practice?
Yes, and yes