Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: How to Play Banjo Slides

You’re very welcome! I’ve worked very hard on it.

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I really appreciate your studies about instrument techniques! Fantastic. Currently I try to master “Big Country” and therefore these slides help me a lot in order to get the right sound.


The timing discussion in these videos helped all the world for this topic. I haven’t seen anything cover the slide this well. The multiple string teaching helped a lot with just being comfortable. Looking forward to cleaning up Cripple creek now. Slides have always been muddy up to this point.


This is great to hear, thanks!

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I have a question… When there is a target note listed in the tab, do we play the target note, or allow the slide to play the note? I’m just a little confused about this.

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Hi Allyson @allyfrench9 Welcome to @BanjoBen Forum. With Slides, Hammer On’s and PullOffs only the first note is picked. i.e. If you play a 2 - 3 slide you fret the string at the second fret and pick the string, keeping the pressure on the string you slide to the third fret ( the target tone) You do not pick the string again unless the tab calls for that to happen. In the case of a 2 -3 or 2 - 4 slide on the 3rd string you would normally follow through with an open second string picked with the index finger or the open or fretted first string (fretted at the second fret) and picked with the middle finger. If you watch Ben’s video lessons closely on all these elements he takes great pains to explain these actions in great detail. Don’t focus all your attention on the TAB spend time with the video lessons you’ll learn so much more. The TAB whilst an excellent tool is more for referencing. Great to have you join us.


Yep, as @Archie said, you let the “ornament” take you to the target note, thanks!


Hi Ben, I am slowly grasping the slides, however I am having an issue with measures 17 to 20. When I slide on this D string the metallic sound of my finger on the string is louder than the sound of the slide. If I apply less pressure then I don’t hear the slide. This doesn’t happen on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd string, possibly because this D is a thicker string. Any advice?


Interesting! I’d have to hear/see it to make a good suggestion. You can try different strings (Elixir for instance) that has a coated 4th string and may help!

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Thanks Ben, please see attached (hope I have uploaded correctly). The metallic sound is quite audible on the 4th string but not the third, second or first. The 4th string also has quite a coarse texture which could be making the sound. It is an entry level banjo with the strings that came with it. I am waiting on the Elixirs that I have ordered from your store to arrive (and waiting for the RK-36 to come back in to stock to order!!)


The Elixirs should help, but part of it is the level of banjo you have. A better banjo would be a lot louder and you wouldn’t hear the slide as much.

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Thanks @BanjoBen I’ve been practicing my slides and Cripple Creek for the last month. My new RK75 just arrived today from the Banjo Ben General Store (many thanks to @AdamAsh for his incredible assistance, pointing me in the direction of the RK’s and great setup). Thought I would share my progress and my new banjo!!! (please excuse the concentration on my face, I guess “loosening up” will come with practice).

Would appreciate any comments on technique.


Looks like you’re off to a great start, Dale! That RK sounds sweet!


Thanks Mark. Acutally I think I will record myself more often. I have picked up on some areas to focus on that I wouldn’t pickup by just playing. And yes, the RK is sweeeet!!!


Thanks for your support of the General Store! You’re doing great! I have a request:


Glad you like it Dale!


“we don’t want to just WALL’ER over the fret wire or you’ll lose momentum.”

You got something against the Waller’s? One of my best friends growing up was Buck Waller. The Waller’s are fine folks!

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I thought after 3 months of steady practice my fingers were in ok shape. Wow. After an hour of slides, I can feel it. I keep looking to see if the string has cut my social finger in half :joy:

But a real question. When I slide my middle finger to about the 4th fret, the finger wants to tap the string below. Is it normal to have to push up on the string a bit?

@jmills60, no you shouldn’t have to bend the string when doing a slide—sometimes you may want to, but you shouldn’t have to do that. You may need to ensure your finger is more perpendicular to the fretboard to keep the slide clean. I have a bad habit of rotating the fretboard to get a better look, and that makes keeping a good perpendicular position more difficult. So I try to focus on the side markers on the neck. Just my two cents. I’m sure @BanjoBen and others can provide better ideas.

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Hi @jmills60 John. Learning slides is a tough and painful lesson. My tips for you and others. To avoid bleeding fingertips DON’T apply too much pressure to the string, a light touch works better since there is less friction. Don’t over practice, let your calluses form gradually. Rest the fingers when they become sore, if the skin does break, soak fingers in a solution of salt water to speed the healing.

I don’t usually bend the string on a 2-4 slide unless @BanjoBen suggests it. Some teachers emphasis bending the string on a 2-3 slide, they claim that’s the way Earl did it, I bow to there greater knowledge but I don’t knowingly bend the string every time I play a slide.