Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Cherokee Shuffle (ft. Eli Gilbert, David Benedict, Emil Anderson)

Attention pickers!

Today, the age-old mystery of which came first - chicken or egg - is solved!! That means, one less worry for people! :wink:

Answer: Chicken came first!

Genesis 2:19
19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.



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Yep! Genesis 1 is literally true. Every verse. :slight_smile:


Nice pic!

@Flatpickin_Libby, today I just noticed something interesting in Genesis 1 (scholars might know already). There was mention of 2 “nights” - “Night” (1st day) and “night” (4th day). Former sound to be eternal darkness, the latter sound to be temporal darkness. Not to start a debate, we have private threads for that, but just saying… :slight_smile:

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There’s some interesting stuff in there, for sure! :slight_smile: Like waters above the firmament!


Absolutely, we don’t know where that is, the waters above the firmament! Does flat earth account for that? :wink:

Sure does… and it ain’t in outer space… :slight_smile: I’m stopping here though. :zipper_mouth_face::wink: