Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Assault with a deadly banjo (Old newspaper clipping)

This old newspaper clipping might well have been printed back when Banjo Instruction was nearly non-existent. This poor lady apparently must not have played up to her husbands standards. While taking professional lessons from Banjo Ben may not prevent this from happening to you, it canā€™t hurt to have a good Instructor! BanjoIncident


I hope that Banjo Ben does not initiate a waiting period or permit to buy a Banjo, when I put my order in on a new Stelling Crusader. :open_mouth:


We may have to start looking at more common sense banjo control measures like age limits, background checks and specialized training requirements. We have to keep banjos out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals.

How old are you Neil?
What is your SS #?
Are you now or have you ever beenā€¦


I agree Maggieā€¦ this is just common sense. Now we donā€™t want to take away someoneā€™s right to play for themselves, but I think we can all agree, nobody needs a 3 pound tone ring.


Oh, too right you are

LOL! Thatā€™s hilarious! And I guess every banjo with an ebony fretboard will now be considered an assault banjo? Black is scary, you knowā€¦


No comment (except for that one)

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And we may have to ban accessories that make banjos easier to play like d tuners and capos and straps and new technology like lightweight heli mounts. And yes, even though black parts on banjos look scary, we canā€™t say that because that sounds racist and we donā€™t want to offend anyone so we need to rephrase, you know, like, everything, so terms like unbright, non reflective, light absorbing surfaces, ā€¦, I donā€™t know, we have to come up with something elseā€¦

Yeah, Iā€™m getting a little carried away here. Someone has to. Assault Banjo though. I like that, I really like that. I have an assault banjo. ā€œpssst, hey man, I carry an assault banjoā€. Walk up to some shady guy in an ally and look around to make sure no one is watching, ā€œyeah, you know where I can buy an assault banjo?ā€ ā€œMaybe, what do ya need it for?ā€ ā€œMan, thatā€™s my business, can ya help me or not?ā€

OK I gotta get some sleep.


LOL! I have some friends that would claim that every banjo is an assault banjo. :laughing:


Iā€™ve often noted, that I can fire-off more accurate notes while using a Banjo Sling. Making sense!


Iā€™m just waiting for that video of the dude with a gun in his banjo neck to come up. And saying black is scaryā€¦ dude, thatā€™s racist! And I think we should wait until thereā€™s been a lawsuit before we go to far


Remember, banjos donā€™t hurt people; people hurt people.