Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Guitar lesson: Belle's Hornpipe- Guitar

It’s the timing @WillCoop it has a lilt


This one is next on my list to learn! Me (age 16) and 2 of my sisters (ages 13 and 15 I think :joy:) are really enjoying your site, Banjo Ben. I’m learning guitar, one of my sisters is learning mandolin, and one of my other sisters is learning banjo. Thanks for helping us learn!


I love this @KayMay! You’re so welcome!


Hi @FellKidPickers Jonathan, Rebekah & Makayla welcome to @BanjoBen 's Forum. Hope you guy’s have fun learning.


I love this melody! The A part works well for single-string banjo. Add two to each tabbed note on the 1st string and you can play the guitar tab on banjo. For example, in measure 56, play 5 - 4- 2 on 1st string instead of 3 - 2 - 0 and end the measure with barred A chord.


There are also melodic possibilities, of course!


How do you make that Bmin chord?

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Take the A minor chord, play it with your last 3 fingers, then move it up two frets and barre with your index behind it…it takes some getting used to!


Ok, I’ll try that once. Thanks!


Tried it. Yes it does take getting used to!


Here’s an easier one to try in the meanwhile…


Even more easier would be, to fret 7th fret of 1st and 2nd and 3rd strings with one finger of your choice(??), and to leave out the 4th, 5th and 6th strings.

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Yes please! Great idea!


Hey, gotta try that! The F#min chord should be easy after this Bmin. Thanks!


Actually, you should use the non-diagrammed pattern I provided for F#min. Which would then be 2nd fret of 1st, 2nd and 3rd strings leaving out (not hitting) 4th, 5th and 6th strings for F#min.

And I too just recently learned this chord pattern. There is a secret with this pattern too in fret board maneuvering and this particular lesson helped me navigate along those lines and also in applying modes and some other theory etc. Need to work out more to have everything etched in my memory though.

That’s actually what I was doing except I did it like this: I barred the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd strings with my index finger, then alternating my ring finger back and forth on the 4th fret of the 4th and 5th strings for the boom-chuck rhythm. Just thought I’d share that.

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I really appreciate how you lead the song along with the way use base runs cord change patterns melody variations…there is a level of completeness that is so subtle but so essential to creating a musical experience.

I find it everywhere in you work but wanted to let you know I appreciate your efforts.


Thank you!

Somewhere along the line I picked up a bad habit learning this song. I find on the top 2 strings I’m digging too deep and the flat pick makes a click when it hits the pick guard. I suspect I’ve had this tendency for a while but the note progression and bounce of this song has exposed it.


I think the issue is I’ve done advanced finger style (Pat Kirtley, Doyle Dykes etc) for over 20 years and am used to my right hand fingers resting on the strings. When I speed up my hand automatically looks for the strings and the pick hits the pick guard. I found using the Bluechip TP-1R minimizes it.


I just discovered this one. Beautiful tune and I love that you wrote it to honor your daughter. Great stuff.